Travel to and from France from Sunday 8th August

Travelling from the UK to France

With effect from 4am on the 8th August, France has been ‘upgraded’ to the UK’s Amber list from Amber+. This means that you will not need to quarantine on your return to the UK from France. Here are the current details. We’ll keep you updated as things change.

Travellers who are fully vaccinated do not need an essential reason to travel to France and do not need to self-isolate on arrival. Children aged 12 years old or over who are travelling with a fully vaccinated adult are required to present a negative test result (PCR or antigen). However, they do not need to provide an essential reason for travel, nor do they need to self-isolate on arrival. As from 18 July, fully vaccinated adults no longer need to present evidence of a negative test result before travel. Fully vaccinated travellers will need to present the following documents:

  • a completed ‘sworn statement’ (‘Engagement sur l’honneur’) form self-certifying they are not suffering from symptoms associated with coronavirus and have not been in contact with confirmed cases in the preceding fortnight. This can be found here, or under the ‘Files’ tab on our Facebook group,
  • proof of vaccination status. The French Government recognises the following vaccines:

Pfizer, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson (the vaccines recognised by the European Medical Agency). “Fully vaccinated” is defined by the completion of a vaccination schedule, specifically:

  • 1 week after the second dose of Pfizer, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca
  • 4 weeks after the single and only dose of Johnson & Johnson
  • 1 week after the single dose of any of the above vaccines if you have previously tested positive for COVID-19

Demonstrating your COVID-19 vaccination status

France will accept the UK’s solutions, including both digital and paper certification, to demonstrate your COVID vaccination status at the border. Your NHS appointment card from vaccination centres is not designed to be used as proof of vaccination and should not be used to demonstrate your vaccine status.

If you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to complete the certificate to leave metropolitan France.

Travelling from France to the UK

If you arrive in England from 4am Sunday 8 August, and you are fully vaccinated in the UK, USA or Europe, you will not need to quarantine on arrival in the UK or take a day 8 Covid-19 test. However, you must still take a day 2 Covid-19 test. At present, you must also take a test (PCR or antigen) in France. To board your transport to England, you need proof of a negative result from a test taken in the 3 days before the service departs.

We will make sure that you have access to a test in France suitable for your return. At present, the French government has set a price for returning tourists of 49€ for a PCR test and 29€ antigen test.

We are also continually scanning ‘day 2’ tests to make sure we can advise you of the cheapest test suitable for your return. Currently, the cheapest test is around £40

You will also need to complete a ‘passenger locator form’, which can be completed anytime within 48 hours of your return to England. We will make sure you have access to this form during your stay. You can only fully complete this form once you have booked your day 2 test

If you are fully vaccinated, you are not required to present an essential reason for travel. No UK citizen or resident should be prevented from leaving France to travel to the UK.

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