Get ski fit! Do it now!

We all know what a dangerous sport skiing is, don’t we (snowboarding isn’t as they spend most of the time sitting down just in front of where you get off the lift, adjusting their bindings. Haemorrhoids is the danger here)? There’s no doubt that most of us have had a nasty fall at least once and some have experienced much worse, but according to Jonathan Bell, injuries only occur 2 to 3 per 1000 skier days. I’m due another 4…

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Grenoble Alpes Isère Airport to La Tania by public transport

If there are just one or two of you coming to stay with us, finding a reasonably priced transfer can be difficult. Ben’s Bus is a good option, but not many people think of public transport. Actually, it’s a very viable option, especially from Grenoble (Chambery and Geneva are a little trickier, although Altibus provides very reasonable services from Lyon and Geneva). In this blog, I’m going to tell you how to get from Grenoble to La Tania using only…

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A day in the life: Melinda, star host, chalet Jacqueline

Your esteemed editor (and my husband) Jonty has asked me to write about “a day in the life of a chalet host”. He said he was saving the best “A Day in the Life” until just before the season, but I suspect he’s run out of other victims. Those of you that have been to visit us in chalet Jacqueline will have a good idea of most of my day anyway and will know that quite a bit of it…

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